Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Belle and Jacks first major storm

Yesterday afternoon the storm came before I could get home so Belle was outside in the mess. Thank God she has an igloo dog house and half the yard is covered but she did some fussing. Jack could careless. Lol. Belle is having a blast in the mud today though. So I think her opinion on rain is changing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well I know it's been a while but Jack and Belle are doing very well. I tried giving Jack a pool but he made such a mess with it and it made the mud stink. He is weighing about 30-40 pounds.

Belle is still about the size of a medium sized dog. She has remained so spoiled even though I lost the potty training battle. She has adapted to being outside most of the day and night. She still walks side by side with me while outside and waits at the door to come in. She always has an afternoon fruit cocktail along with her favorite dog food in the house. She is so fantastic and such a miracle I could never "farm" her. Ihad to find a permanent home for her. So I emailed a friend who will take her with living arms.

This will be so bitter sweet for me, but I know it's best for Belle. I love her enough to let her go but I know that I will cry but she will be so happy.

She no longer cries when I put her out she likes it! Well I will keep you all posted on her journey.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Belle is giving me a run for my money!

Belle was learning to potty on dog potty pads... Until I realized it was leaking through! Wow! That was awful! So now we have created a litter box with pine shavings and a sweater box. It seems to be working. Thank goodness! Now the question begins to cross my mind... What are we going to do with Belle as she continues to grow? I know that she will grow to a whopping 300 pounds by adulthood, so her remaining in my house potty trained or not is pretty much out the question. I love her so much more than I ever dreamed I could have and I can't bare to part with her. I hAve one thing in mind and it might require a serious road trip as soon as summer hits.
Oh and she walked on her pretty pink leash today... She was not so happy about it. But she will like it I think! Lol

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Belle is taking over!

Belle is growing and learning her way around the house very well. We are working on appropriate social skills and for a pig well let's just say it is a challenge! She has discovered the dog bed and this is where she sleeps
Nice and quietly too! She rathers catfood than pig food. She runs from one end of the house to another very quickly and loves to flip around any flip flops in her path.

She understands what an alarm clock is for; however, she seems to lack understanding of the meaning of SNOOZE! As she cries at my bedroom door the second the alarm clock goes off:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ITS WORSE Than having a TWO year old!

Belle is almost 4 months old and is certainly giving me a run for my money! All she hears is "stop", " no don't chew on that!", " Belle, don't poop out your box", "get back in your box"! Whew! She is so funny. She walks nowhere and runs all over as fast as she can. Then she gets tired and falls asleep at my feet. Also in the morning, she lays on top of my feet as I stand at the sink. Then she tortures the cat and the dog until she is completely exhausted.

Over the weekend we did put her outside for a few hours and she whined about it. So her dad went out and she followed him step for step back to her comfy house, no leash or carrying required. Awe my sweet,sweet, Belle!

Jack is doing fabulous and beautiful. He is about to get a pool cause he needs one. He plays hide-n-seek with his food bowls in the hay. It makes me very nervous as it is snake season now. He still loves his rub downs and afternoon visits. His momma still loves him too! The adventure continues...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Doubled in size

My sweet little Belle has doubled in size. She no longer needs a heating pad anymore and eats a lot. She fusses alot to be with us in the general house. She is pretty well behaved but does get into trouble every now and then. Last night I caught her trying to pull a lamp off the table so I guess I need to pig proof my house Lol. I can honestly say that Gerber baby Rice Cereal and goats milk has helped her survival rate from 16% to 100% and she continues to be growing strong with the addition of Gerber Sweetpotatoes and apples complimenting the cereal. What most people dont know is baby pigs are often anemic and that will cause them to have serious health problems even death! The Gerber rice cereal had enough iron that it sustained the pigs quiet well and I did not have to supplement with iron shots as the vet thought I might have to do.

Kennedy also came home with pet clothes and I'm interested to see how well Belle is going to take to her new look! Pics coming soon!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Belle gets a pretty pink harness and leash

Well, it has been bitter sweet this week... Belle has finally become a big girl and has weaned from her bottle. She continues on a diet of Goats milk, Gerber Baby Rice cereal, with some Gerber baby food; as well as pig food, Purina Beyond Cat Food, and sweet feed. Lol she is growing more stubborn by the day lol. I bought her a pink harness which she wears proudly and we are leash training.

Interestingly enough, she has potty trained herself and does not go on my floors! She's just fabulous and weighing 5 pounds now! Jack is doing great too!